Head of Inland Navigation 1884 - 1910


This is a black in white photo of a large steam boat in 1884. There is different cargo on board, along with a handful of crew members.

The flat-bottomed steamboat “Marquette” and a passenger train brought Victoria Day picnickers from Winnipeg to Selkirk park



Dr. David Young seated profile

The Provincial Government appointed Dr. David Young as Medical Superintendent of the Manitoba Asylum.



The Selkirk Fair began


R. H. Gilhuly bought out his drugstore partner from 1880, Mayor James Colcleugh. The latter established the community’s first small telephone exchange


This is a black and white photo of Frederick William Colcleugh, he has a long bushy beard and moustache. He is wearing a collared jacket with a white button up shirt and a tie.

F.W. Colcleugh, cousin and rival of James Colcleugh became Selkirk’s second mayor in 1886


Twelve million board feet of lumber was brought to or through Selkirk. The Burrows owned sawmill was the largest operating in Manitoba

May 25th, 1886

This is a black and white photo of the Selkirk Mental Hospital in 1887. It is a tall building with multiple floors and windows. There are men sitting on the front steps. The building is surrounded by empty fields.

The Manitoba Asylum opened (later known as the Selkirk Mental Health Centre) and 59 patients were transferred to the facility


This is a black and white photo of CPT William Robinson. He has a small bushy beard and moustache and is wearing a black coat with a white button up shirt and tie.

The Dominion Fish Company was created by Captain William Robinson


The parish of Christ Church erected a building to replace the log chapel schoolhouse which had served their needs for 20 years


The West Slough was being dredged to 12 feet deep and 50 feet wide for 2.5 miles to allow steamboats better access to the industries


The Selkirk Literacy Association was organized


The original Merchant’s Hotel is built by John Christian Shultz


The Selkirk Lutheran Church is created by Icelandic settlers


In 1890, William Gibb and three fellow Liberals organize the Selkirk Electric Company, which at first was just four clusters of streetlights


The “Father” of Selkirk, James Colcleugh left the town under mysterious circumstances after putting Selkirk on the map


Selkirk Gospel Chapel was created.  The first service was held in a harness shop owned by one of the members


The Dominion Fish Company had three tugs, a refrigerator barge, several sailing vessels, and 75 men, with Captain Attwood in charge


The Manitoba Fish Company had five steamers, 15 fishing shacks, and 90 men


The federal government constructed its first fish hatchery (for whitefish)


The Selkirk Curling Club was established 


The Ewing and Taylor fish company started


Massive fire at Robinson’s fish freezer, unfortunately there was no fire department. Town Council then decided to purchase a fire engine and form a hook and ladder company


The Bell Telephone Company exchange was completed


Methodists erected a United Church on McLean Avenue


A large fire occurred in the winter and 20 buildings were lost, including the office of the Selkirk Record. Selkirk’s citizens decided to establish a volunteer fire brigade consisting of 12-15 men and a horse drawn chemical engine


F. W. Colcleugh, who ran a general store and invested heavily in lumber and fish, became provincial fisheries inspector


1,836 people resided in Selkirk


International Order of Good Templar’s hall was built on Main Street


Oliver and Byron (flour and feed) built a new store at Main Street and Manitoba Avenue


G. H. Fox’s new butcher shop on Manitoba, and his competitor, I. Mills, constructed a two-story building complete with a large stable and ice house on Eveline Street


Selkirk had reached nearly 2000 citizens after the economic developments of Selkirk’s well-known Families who built their enterprises


In 1900, The Selkirk Fire Brigade decided that the chemical wagon was replaced by a Waterous engine and a grand total of 1500 feet of hose. The Fire Hall was located at the corner of Eaton Ave and Eveline St, where the current Selkirk Civic Center is located


The boat building portion of the Selkirk Machine Works was started by Bill Purvis


Long distance telephone service was introduced by Bell


An extension is built onto the Manitoba Asylum


The Selkirk Literacy and Debating Society opened a reading room


J.K. McKenzie Fish Co. Ltd., which later became Imperial Fish Company, was formed


The Northern Fish Company was founded by William Guest, a fish retailer who had battled the Dominion Fish Co. which had tried to drive him out of business


This is a black and white photo taken in 1903 of the Moody Hardware store interior. There are four men inside the store with what looks to be empty paint cans hanging from the ceiling. The inside of the store is crowded with various objects.

Moody and Sullivan built a new brick store next to Bullock’s on Eveline


L.S. Vaughan became mayor of Selkirk


Captain William Robinson built Selkirk’s first department store


The Winnipeg, Selkirk & Lake Winnipeg Railway received an 85-year lease and some tax exemptions over twenty-five years, for daily service between Selkirk and Winnipeg


The original Merchant’s Hotel was moved and replaced by a new structure


The Merchant Hotel and Traders/Dominion Bank opened on the corner of Manitoba Ave and Eveline St


This is a black and white photo of The Selkirk Railway in 1906. There is a big black train with black smoke coming out the front going down the tracks with buildings on either side.

First trip of the Winnipeg Selkirk & Lake Winnipeg Railway occurred


This is a black and white photo taken in 1905 of the Selkirk Volunteer Fire Brigade. There is a group of men on horse carriages with three horses in front. They are all wearing long firefighter jackets and hats.

A volunteer fire brigade was formed (F.W. Colcleugh was the Chief)



An empty lot at Main and Clandeboye became the Town’s farmers market square


Stuart House, built by James Stuart in 1904


North Ward School was built along Superior Avenue


A passenger and freight station was built


This is a black and white photo of South Ward School. It has windows along the side of the building with trees along the outside.

South ward school was built


In 1907 the Winnipeg, Selkirk, and Lake Winnipeg Railway Company car barn was built


This is a black and white photo of Selkirk Central School in 1907. It is a large and tall building with multiple windows, surrounded by field space. There are many house across the street in the background.

The Selkirk Central School was built circa 1907


Selkirk’s first indoor Arena was established


This is a black and white photo of the Dominion Bank in 1913. There are three men standing in front of the building on the sidewalk, and carriage with horses waiting down the street underneath a tree.

The Trader’s Bank completed its three-storey structure


This is a black and white photo of the Selkirk Post Office taken in 1909. It is a tall building with many windows and front entrance. There are trees along the side of the building on the corner or the road.

Construction of The Old Post Office begun in 1907 by Brown and Garson Construction Corporation; it was designed by the Winnipeg architectural firm of James Chisholm and Son


This is a black and white photo of the electric railway running through Selkirk in 1909. There are buildings on one side of the train, and a man waiting and watching the train on the other side.

The Winnipeg Selkirk & Lake Winnipeg Railway is electrified along its 22 mile track and it becomes “affiliated” with the Winnipeg Electric Street Railway Company (a trip of 50 minutes, one-way, at 30 miles per hour, with five round trips per day at 80 cents)


This is a black and white photo of the Selkirk Hospital in 1908. It is a tall building with windows and a balcony above the front porch and entrance.

New three-story hospital opened


A new patrol wagon was purchased for taking inebriated people to jail


First movies were shown in one corner Pearson Hall (used for live theatre, etc.) by the Newman Electrical Comedy Company


The Selkirk bottling plant burned down


This is a black and white photo of the Carnegie Library on Eaton Ave, taken in 1913. It is a big brick building with large windows and "Public Library" written across the top.

The Carnegie Library opens


50 fire hydrants were installed with most located downtown


This is a black and white photo of the selkirk water tower taken in 1913. The water tower is very tall and is beside a small building.

Water was no longer obtained from the river.  Selkirk now drew water from an artesian well, pumped it into a water tower, and then distributed it to residents through nine miles of water mains


The “Old” Post Office we know as today was opened at the corner of Manitoba Ave and Main St