Selkirk has a long and rich church history, demonstrating the diversity of belief and faith of its citizens. Delve into this side of history, learn, and imagine.
“Well done, my good and faithful people.” Whether they came on foot, cart, wagon, cutter, buggy, boat, sleigh, bicycle, truck, car, van, or motorcycle, the objective was always the same—to render homage to their Lord and God. The struggles and sacrifices were many but the outcome most rewarding. We’ve Only Just Begun: History of Notre…
Humble Beginnings Selkirk has a woman at a Methodist Church conference in 1877 to thank for bringing Methodism to town. While we don’t know her name, she encouraged the raising of $1000 for the establishment of a church in Selkirk and motivated the spread of Methodism across Canada. The response was immediate and a building…
The Early Days The history of Knox Presbyterian Church begins as a house service, as was common in other communities at the time. Mr. R. Sanderson hosted the first service in his home in 1876 which included 5 other men. The service was held by Rev. Alex Matheson who travelled on horseback from Little Britain.…