Featured banner portrait of Elsie Bear

Elsie Bear

Elsie (Hourie) Bear was born on December 13, 1921, into a Métis family and community of Grand Marais. Her father, Peter Hourie was a Métis man from Matlock who found work as a fisherman and cutting cordwood. Her mother, Mary was also Métis and carried on the family work of midwifery. Together with Elsie’s grandmother,…

Feature banner photo of Thomas Sinclair

Thomas Sinclair Jr.

“A gentleman who, we believe, had no an enemy in the world, warm-hearted and genial, whose smile of kindness was extended to everybody. Pleasant and accommodating in his public capacities. The loss is sustained by his departure is inherently felt.” – Excerpt from the Thomas Sinclair Jr’s Obituary, Selkirk Record March 16, 1888. Thomas Sinclair…